Turkey days and wood shavings

Slow blog updates! But it is the start of the holidays so that is to be expected. But the boat is still on track. Over thanksgiving I went out and visited family taking my first mate along and we had a grand time tramping around the south west United States. Once I got back I glued up my centerboard and filled the pivot and rope attachment point with epoxy. Very simple.

Next I turned my attention to the final details of the keel. I made sure the bottom was nice and flat all the way across with my trusty plane and sander. I had to adjust the pivot hole in the keel as I messed up the alignment a bit.

I also had to dig out a 1/2 inch of wood from the vertical support in the aft section of the keel. I thought no big deal go buy a chisel and a couple bangs later I would be done. HA! I got about 3 wacks in and tore a chunk out of the support. At the time I thought I made a massive error and felt like a fool. But after looking at the triangle shape of busted wood I got some thickened epoxy and a clamp and glued it right back.

Then it was off to youtube to learn how to actually chisel something. After 24 hours the chuck was cured I took my hand saw and cut a bunch of 1/2 inch deep cuts into the top, then using the chisel tapped gently to make a grid on the top of the wood. Then on the side tapped into the wood. It was quick and easy work, I used sandpaper and my rasp to get the rest out.

Once that was complete I made the aft keel cap, that will seal the entire rear section. I was going to use my table saw and jig again but this time I made a quick drawing on a piece of spruce that I cut down to be a 1/2 inch thick and used the band saw to bring close to the line. Then with my plane I slowly shaped it to fit. I left it a tiny bit out of spec which I will clean up once the lead is done pouring next weekend. Now I had to find a propane tank (easy), something to melt lead in then pour directly from that or scope it out. I think I will just pour it out as the holes are pretty large.

I'm enjoying the build it really cleans my soul and cheers me up, but I am excited at the prospect of silence and tapping rigging. Chapter one should be complete next weekend.

Aft keel Cap

Gluing the centerboard together

Centerboard all my clamps and everything that was heavy

Keel is looking nice, wood shavings everywhere

Keel is nice and straight

Nice and flat

The top board hole was  off!


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